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About ELSA Switzerland

Five law students from Austria, Hungary, Poland and West Germany founded ELSA in 1981. Today ELSA is the world’s largest independent law students’ association, represented at over 300 law faculties in 43 countries across Europe with a membership of more than 60,000 students and young lawyers. 

 ELSA Switzerland is one of these National Groups and consists of 9 local groups, with over 1,500 members nationwide. Each Local Group is independently organized at its university and is an independent registered association with a Local Board tasked with managing ELSA at a local level as well as promoting various events. Representatives of each Local Group elect the National Board of ELSA Switzerland during the National Council Meeting (NCM).

ELSA Switzerland Statutes

National Council Meeting

The National Council Meeting takes place twice a year. It is the highest decision-making body. Furthermore, the National Board, consisting of the President, Secretary General and Treasurer that have sole power of representation, as well as of four further board members, is also the administrative body of the association.

ELSA Switzerland is a non-political and non-profit organisation which strives to inspire and connect law students through social, academic, and professional opportunities. We share the purpose, vision, and fundamental principles of our parent organisation: ELSA. We are growing rapidly as a network and continually offer new events and programmes on the local, national and international levels.